Delivery from Universe 86 | Price: £220 | Size: 51x41cm

Labyrinth of Abstraction | Price: £280 | Size: 61x45cm

Thoughts & Feelings 5 | Price: £140 | Size: 40.5x30cm

Thoughts & Feelings 80 | Price: £125 | Size: 35.5x28cm

Delivery from Universe 67 | Price: £125 | Size: 35.5x28cm

Thoughts & Feelings 88 | Price: £220 | Size: 51x41cm

Labyrinth of Abstraction | Price: £190 | Size: 50x40cm

Delivery from Universe 13 | Price: £175 | Size: 46x36cm

Thoughts & Feelings 39 | Price: £125 | Size: 35x27.5cm

Little Treasures 110 | Price: £125 | Size: 35x28cm