Street Performer | Price: £27000 | Size: 64

Hermit in a Mountainous | Price: £16000 | Size

Fermentation of the Mind | Price: £6200 | Size

Summer by M. Irfan | Price: £8000 | Size: 14

Garuda Soldier by Heri | Price: £6200 | Size: 1

Banjarmasin by Chang | Price: £67500 | Size: 38x56cm

Entourage by Teng Nee | Price: £13000 | Size: 155x80cm

Self Portrait at Pyongyan | Price: £7000 | Size: 200x200cm

Pose Together by Soni | Price: £3000 | Size: 150x200cm

The Truth Defender.? | Price: £18700 | Size: 150x100cm

I am beautiful therefore I exsist | Price: £9000 | Size: 110x110cm

A Face by Yunizar | Price: £5000 | Size: 80x70cm

Warehouse by Yunizar | Price: £6500 | Size: 150x140cm

Battleground (For a Kiss) | Price: £5000 | Size: 110x70cm

By Time Devoured by Ivan | Price: £2800 | Size: 76x56cm

You in the Box I by Ivan | Price: £2800 | Size: 76x56cm

Two Bodies II by Ivan | Price: £2800 | Size: 76x56cm

The Integral Parts of Indonesia | Price: £25600 | Size: ?

Infinity | Price: £7500 | Size: 145x145cm

Street Sweepers by Dede | Price: £9700 | Size: 100x120cm

Eclipse by Nasirun | Price: £11200 | Size: 145x90cm

Tell Me Why by S.Sudjojon | Price: £25000 | Size: 70x90cm

Nude by Roedyat | Price: £13000 | Size: 55x70cm

No.14 by Tommy Wondra | Price: £4000 | Size: 120x120cm

Read by Astari | Price: £5000 | Size: 50x40cm

Composition of Empty Bottles | Price: £10500 | Size: 200x150cm

A set of paintings by W.G | Price: £120000 | Size: ?

Rush Hours by Maria | Price: £3200 | Size: 150x200cm