Still life with a pumpkin | Price: £1400 | Size: 50x70cm

Quartette | Price: £3000 | Size: 80x100cm

Lilies of the valley | Price: £1500 | Size: 60x50cm

Autumnal bouquet | Price: £1600 | Size: 80x60cm

Rainy day | Price: £1700 | Size: 75x60cm

Puppeteer | Price: £3000 | Size: 100x80cm

Old tango | Price: £3000 | Size: 100x80cm

Autumnal bouquet | Price: £1600 | Size: 80x60cm

Still live with cactus | Price: £1000 | Size: 70x60cm

Two in a coffee-house | Price: £1000 | Size: 70x50cm